

* This packaging options are not exclusive, any product can be adapted to the customer needs.


Scientific name: Illex Ilecerebrosus argentinus.

Description: Read meat, firm texture, abundant flavor.

Catching area and season: Southern coast of Argentina, from April until July.

Catching method: Dragging and/or jigging.

Humboldt Squid

Scientific name: Dosidicus Gigas.

Description: Red meat, firm texture, pleasing taste.

Catching area and season: Ecuatorian coast, mainly from July until October.

Catching method: Jigging.

Southern King Crab

Scientific name: Lithodes Santolla.

Description: White meat, firm texture, great flavor.

Catching area and season: San Jorge gulf, from March until November.

Catching method: Dragging.


Scientific name: Mytilus Edulis Pletensis.

Description: White meat, firm texture, good flavor.

Catching area and season: Argentinian coast, year round.

Catching method: Farm fishing.

Argentine Red Shrimp

Scientific name: Pleoticus Muelleri Argentine.

Description: White, firm texture, pleasing flavor.

Catching area and season: Southern coast of Argentina from June until May.

Catching method: Dragging.

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